Abertay Serious Game Jam 2016
Team Seizure
Art: Sidney FlavellProgramming: Nikolay Panayotov and Jason Mottershead
Design: Martin Carver
Project:Cyber Seize
The brief was to design and build a prototype for an app that could be used as an educational tool by first response officers in a cyber crime situation. In these situations maintaining data/evidence integrity is of the utmost importance. This tool is to be used to help in the training to ensure proper protocol is maintained.Initial Pitch
During our initial pitch presentation we highlighed the features of our concept, there were as follows
Modular training method
- Could be added to in the future or changed to serve many purposes, one of which was a similar too to re enforce teaching and build confidence in methods of first aid.
Recall and repetition
- having access to the app would be another way to teach and refresh users. A randomly repeated scene every 3 scenes or so would re-enforce what had been learned previously.
Builds information in logical steps
- Each scene adds a new factor that the user must deal with, logically building and re enforcing the process.
Tests participants
- As with previous points, random scenes every 3 levels re enforce learning and scene analysis
Handout Document
This is a copy of the document handed out when presenting the final prototype
‘CYBER SEIZE’ takes the form of ‘point and click’ style educational tool. Participants are presented with a ‘first response’ evidence collection scene. The task is to seize the equipment while also maintaining data/evidence integrity.
Each level presents a new item that must be dealt with correctly and added to the steps learned in the scene before. Some items, if seized improperly or taken out of order will result in loss of data/evidence.
The main learning devices in this process are participant recall and repetition.
Gameplay Example
This scene presents the participant with a standalone desktop PC and connected USB drive.
The participant must
1. Click camera button to take photo of scene.
2. Safely eject the USB by clicking the corresponding button on the screen.
3. Click the USB to remove it from the scene.
4. Click the plug of the PC to remove it from the scene.
If the USB is not ejected first, the data on it will become corrupt and evidence lost.
The result is presented once the scene is confirmed ‘Done’ by the participant.
Game Design Document
‘CYBER SEIZE’ aims to help first responders in the collection of evidence and seizure of electronic equipment.
Evidence and data integrity is paramount in this process and this game is designed to help train individuals and build confidence in the process.
The design of the game allows it to be adapted to be more in depth or simplified and applied to a variety of scenarios and tasks.
‘CYBER SEIZE’ takes the form of ‘point and click’ style educational tool. Participants are presented with a ‘first response’ evidence collection scene. The task is to seize the equipment while also maintaining data/evidence integrity.
Each level presents a new item that must be dealt with correctly and added to the steps learned in the scene before. Some items, if seized improperly or taken out of order will result in loss of data/evidence.
The main learning devices in this process are participant recall and repetition.
All art uses Photoshop CS5
Screen Concept
This sketch shows the scene layout, items icons etc..
Art Asset list
Camera icon
Phone Screen
USB eject icon
Computer screen
Chat log screen
Chat log icon
Video chat screen
Video chat light
Unity 5.1.1 with Mono develop
Source Control
Source tree
Git hub
The prototype for the game has been created Photoshop cs5
Fail States
Once the participant feels they have completed the task they hit the ‘DONE’ Button. The game then presents a results screen detailing each task and stating if it was executed correctly.
The user can fail certain tasks if they are not performed properly
Fail 1 ‘Done’ button is pressed before any other action.
Fail2. No items are removed when before done button is pressed.
Fail 3. Photograph must be taken before any other action. If not evidence is lost.
Fail 4. USB. USB must be ejected before removed. If not, data is corrupted.
Fail 5. Phone must be collected within 5 seconds or evidence is lost due to low battery.
Fail 6. Chat log must be photographed before router is disconnected or evidence is lost.
Fail 7. Video chat must be photographed within 10 seconds and before the router is disconnected. If not evidence is lost
Gameplay Scenario
Scene 1
Desktop PC
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Player clicks the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 2
Desktop PC , USB Drive
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Click eject USB Button to safely remove USB
3. Click USB to remove
4. Click the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 3
Desktop PC, USB Drive, Phone
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Click Phone to remove phone. Low battery means phone must be removed within 5 Seconds
3. Click eject USB Button to safely remove USB
4. Click USB to remove
5. Click the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 4
Randomly repeats scene 1 scene 2 or scene 3.Scene 5
Desktop PC, USB Drive, Phone, Router
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Click Phone to remove Phone. Low battery means phone must be removed within 5 Seconds
3. Click Router to remove Router
4. Click eject USB Button to safely remove USB
5. Click USB to remove USB
6. Click the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 6
Desktop PC, USB Drive, Phone, Router, Chatlog
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Click Phone to remove Phone. Low battery means phone must be removed within 5 seconds
3. Click Chat icon to open chat.
4. Click the screen to take photo of Chat log. If router has been removed chat log is lost
5. Click Router to remove Router
6. Click Eject USB Button to safely remove USB
7. Click USB to remove USB
8. Click the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 7
Desktop PC, USB Drive, Phone, Router, Chatlog
1. Click Camera to take Photo of scene.
2. Click Phone to remove Phone. Low battery means phone must be removed within 5 seconds
3. Click Chat icon to open chat.
4. Click the screen to take photo of Chat log. If router has been removed chat log is lost
5. Click Router to remove Router
6. Click Eject USB Button to safely remove USB
7. Click USB to remove USB
8. Click the electric socket which removes the computer.
Scene 8
Randomly repeats either scene 5 scene 6 or scene 7.
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