Mutiny!: Islands Designers Doc

Mutiny!: Islands



Mutiny! - Treasure Islands


Mutiny! is the multiplayer pirate brawler Hidden Armada are currently developing.

Players form a crew and work together to defend their ship against enemies as they traverse enemy waters looking for riches, while also fighting each other over who gets to be the Captain of the ship and has the most gold.

We will be adding 'treasure islands' to the game next year which act as locations that can be found and explored during a voyage. Often, these islands will be inhabited by an enemy pirate clan, and players will have to battle their way through to steal their loot.

We'd like you to explore the content we could include in these areas, and build an island stronghold that players can attack.

In particular...

To balance the ever-present threat of watery doom when you are at sea, we'd like to see an equivalent exploration of FIRE when you are on land. Fire as illumination (torches/camps), fire as a weapon (torches being swung, flaming swords, Molotov’s), fire as a hazard (residual flames after an explosion), fire as an entity (objects/buildings being set on fire, spreading to other objects), or any other interesting uses/effects you might think of!

To expand on the content of the Mutiny universe, we'd like to see how you think different types of enemy pirate could look and behave, what their buildings would look like, whether their ships would be on/around the island, and what kind of weapons they might use. Given the emphasis on fire and raiding enemy islands, it might be a good idea to set the level at night.

To provide players with a suitable challenge, we want a level to be constructed with layout and enemy placement in mind, ideally with a distinct end point. There should be elements where players have to work together as a team to benefit/progress, but also have plenty of opportunity for them to screw eac h other over for gold.

To ensure immersion, the game should feature suitable audio cues throughout. Music reflecting the action on screen, and SFX supporting the player's actions.

Reference points

·        Mutiny! (obviously)

·        Castle Crashers

·        Fat Princess

·        Zelda: Wind Waker

Ultimately you are free to make this as hard as you like for yourselves by taking on everything we mentioned and more, enjoy!


Over view


I am a third year GDPM student and this is currently my second year at Abertay. I returned to education as a mature student to study an HNC Games Development at Dundee College. After successful completion I went on to do a two year HND 3D Computer Animation as Dundee did not do a HND for Game Development. I reasoned that this would stand me in good stead for applying to University. I really enjoyed my time there and found a passion for animation and its production pipeline.

As a team we got on well from the beginning and strengthened that by going out to lunch a few times. The team members were mostly confident in their roles, and Lynn Parker; our tutor, was encouraging and supportive. This was a great start to the project.

I was very happy when the teams and roles were announced as I really wanted to be in the designer position. The brief itself seemed like a great opportunity to take a game that was currently in development and prototype something new for it.  As the designer I knew it was my responsibility to build and maintain a vision for the project. It was obvious from the first discussion that the rest of the team had ideas and concepts to offer. I felt it was only fair to let everyone have their say in the projects design and would hopefully help in bonding the team and getting everyone emotionally invested in the project.

As designer I took the responsibility of collating and making sense of the team’s flood of ideas. I made sure any and every decision was run past and checked for viability with the lead programmer and the lead artist and worked with them and Owen the producer to create asset lists and priority schedules for prototypes.

On top of the Designer duties I made the art team aware early on that I had a few years’ experience with 3D asset production and was there if needed. Only one of the artist had much previous experience or confidence in working in 3D, I was happy to help.

On the Audio side most of the team got involved in a recording session for voices for characters which was a great experience. I help out with some ideas for Foley effects and supplied reference material for the games soundtrack.





As research for the design of this project I started with the sources cited by the client. The main sources were


Castle Crashers (2008)

Mutiny! (demo available on Hidden Armadas website)

Happy Wars (2012)

Kung Fu Chaos (2003)

Gang Beasts (2014)


Project work


Mutiny! Version 1 Concept

The Captains Hat and Crew will spawn on the beach of the island. Camp fires and various crates will be already unloaded onto the beach along with a pack animal, the chest carrying alpaca. It is the crew’s mission to move through the islands interior to find treasure and ultimately attack and take over the islands stronghold.

 The pirates of the island will assault the crew as they adventure on. Passing through a small settlement and climbing a small incline the crew will be faced will be faced with their first obstacle, a frozen waterfall and partially frozen river. A crew member will be required to repair the sabotaged bridge and jump across the ice flow to repair the other side to allow the alpaca to cross safely. The other crew members must defend their crew mate as he performs his work.

On the other side the crew; still under attack, will pass through a cave and be required to burn down any barricades blocking their way. The last stretch to the reach Islands fortress will be a perilous climb up a steep hill made even more perilous as giant snowballs barrel down the hill towards them.

At the top of the hill is the islands fortress, the pirated of the island will make a last stand at the gates while the crew will try to break the doors lock mechanism. If successful the crew will be faced with the Islands shark wielding warrior queen.

When designing for any project one of the first things I do is get a sketch pad and get a visual of ideas. I feel this helps me build a concept or character for the project early in development.

The look and style of the island and its inhabitant pirates was taken on by the art team to create concepts and the team as a whole discussed what was taken forward and what was dropped. I concentrated on the conception of game mechanics and features and then discussed them with the team to try and get things everyone was happy about.

These pages are a mix of combat ideas and gameplay mechanics. Fire to move the players through the level with speed or as a area of safety. An electric eel as a weapon never went anywhere but the flaming spinning ball on a chain would develop into a hammer and the melting ice would be taken forward but then ultimately be dropped. 3 words, Peg, Leg, Shark.



The Alpaca

To echo the use of animals in the original game the alpaca was born. It had to have a function within the game for it to work so combining the use of the chest in the main game with the need of it being mobile on the island, the alpaca became a mobile bank. To encourage co-op gameplay I originally wanted 2 players to have to lead it through the level. To give the alpaca character it needed to wander about when unattended and do its own thing. The idea was it could be left behind but players would not be able to bank there gold for safety. It was supposed to be a bit thick and a pain for the players but worth the effort.  

Further development of the special spinning flame weapon and the concept of using boxes set on fire to melt ice barriers and allow players access to secret areas.


One gameplay mechanic to compliment the mutiny bar in the main game was the idea of traps. Players could use these to help or hinder team mates.

Trying to add to gameplay and the character of the island, these are concepts for environmental hazards

*The development sketches that were to be used in game were passed to the Art Team. Proper concept art was produced by Tone Persson.

Gameplay concepts Version 1

Dynamic Fire

Fire in the game will have the ability to pass from one object to another object if they are in very close proximity. Fire will deal damage over time and will destroy boxes, melt ice and kill players and NPC’s.

2 types of fire will be featured in the game Normal Fire and Magic Fire.

Normal Fire

Normal fire will be present at the beginning of the game suggesting that it is the fire the crew have created. It will have the ability to damage Players, NPC, Boxes and Ice. The players will be able to use fire to solve multiple problems, deal extra damage, destroy barricades and open hidden treasure troves.


The player can interact with campfires to acquire torches. Torches replace the current weapon and have a chance to set enemy on fire (1 in 4 chance) and deal damage over time to enemy’s that are on fire (¼ health per second).


The prompt (Burn Hold A) will appear above the object. When the player holds this button the character will strike the object setting fire to it. The barrier will burn (10 seconds) and allow players to pass

Ice Barriers

Ice barriers hide bonus treasure troves. In order to melt the barrier the player will need to have a torch of normal fire and collect a crate to place in front of it. When the player is holding a crate near the barrier the prompt (place crate A) will appear above the barrier. When the player interacts with this the crate is dropped in front of it. The player will then need to gain a torch to set it alight and melt the ice opening the entrance and allowing collection of the bonus treasure. When the player has create in place and is holding a torch the prompt (Burn A) appears above the object. Magic Fire cannot melt Ice and crate will burn as normal.


Magic Fire

Magic Fire, which will burn blue, will begin to show up later in the level suggesting this is magic fire the pirates’ of the island use, it does not melt ice. This type of fire will burn Players, NPC’s, and boxes as normal.  The players will be able to use this fire to deal extra damage on weapons and destroy barricades.


Dynamic Treasure Chest

Used for ‘banking’ gold in the main game, the chest in Mutiny: Islands will be carried on the back of an alpaca. The animal will have a basic AI pathing system and while the crew is fighting it will wander the area.

Players will need to defend this moving target from the attacking NPC’s. As NPC’s attack the chest coins will spill out and will have a 3 seconds before they de-spawn.

To move forward through the island a crew members will need to lead stubborn alpaca through the level.

When approached, the prompt (Lead A) and (Bank X) will appear above the animal. Players will press the A button to lead the alpaca or hold the B button to bank their gold.

When banking the players coin count will lower and the crew treasure counter will raze; both at 10 coins per second.



Player will use the repair mechanic to reconstruct bridges or machines and to destroy barriers to pass some areas. These players will need to be defended by the rest of the crew from attacking pirates. 

When beside and object that can be interacted with a prompt (Hold A) will appear on the screen above the object. The player will hold the corresponding button for 20 seconds and the construction animation will play. If the player is attacked the character will be knocked out of the animation but progress will be saved. The player will need to hold the button again for the remaining time.






Standard Pirate weapon. This default weapon of the crew is replaced by any other weapon acquired and is regained when that new weapon is lost.

6 strikes to kill an enemy



Torches replace the current weapon and have a chance to set enemy on fire (1 in 4 chance) and deal damage over time to enemy’s that are on fire (¼ health per second).


Molotov cocktail

Will be found around the island and can be picked up by players. This item will not replace the current weapon but can be thrown by holding the button when possessed. The Character will throw this in an arc and it will explode on impact causing a pool of fire. Any character caught in the pool will be set on fire and take damage over time (1/4 health per second).


Fire hammer

Attack animation will have the player character spin with the weapon and will allow movement for 4 revolutions. After that point the player will lose control of the character who will spin in random directions for another 4 revolutions.

The hammer will be able to be used in this manner 3 times with a 5 second cool down period. One the hammer has been used in this manner 3 times it becomes a regular melee weapon.


Rune Magic

The larger NPC’s will have the ability to shoot balls of ice at the player due to the use of rune Magic. If a player is hit with this they will be frozen to the spot for 5 seconds.



Traps come in 2 variety’s, one for the crew and one for the enemy pirates.

Crew traps are found on the map and can be picked up by the player. When placed the trap activates and the next player or NPC to walk over it will set it off. The trap will light the character on fire and deal damage over time (1/4 health per second). 

NPC traps are scattered on the level and will only detonate when a player character comes into contact with it. The trap will freeze a character on the spot (10 seconds)





Crew Member:  Jump (A) Button

                              Atttack (X) Button

                              Interact Hold (A) Button

Can pick up weapons found on island and interact with fire, barriers and Broken bridge.


Pirate Grunt

The Grunt is the standard enemy unit, numerous, fierce and ugly.  This Unit uses standard weapons and can fire magic balls of ice, drops weapon and coins on death.

Basic attack- Melee hit with weapon


Pirate Captain

Larger, uglier and smellier than the Grunt, the Captains can carry larger more devastating fire weapons, drops coins and weapons on death.

Basic Attack- Melee hit with weapon

Ranged Attack- Shoots ice ball at range


Pirate Boss

Queen of the Island and the deadliest of foes, this cannon handed, shark wielding warrior will not give up the island easily.

Basic attack




The Level

The team eventually settled on a setting for the island and a theme for the enemy pirates.

Many concepts were drawn up by the art team including steam punk pirates, skeleton pirates and volcanic ice island as the contrast of fire and ice seemed appealing. This concept was streamlined to an ice themed island where the enemies would use magic runes as a source of power.


Island Concepts

First island concept design showing enemy settlement platform and broken bridge section, barricades and pitfalls. (Mutiny v1). The early concepts of the island would see the players traveling between two or three arena battles before facing off against the boss. The scope of this was too much and we decided on cutting it down in scale. I wanted the idea of traveling through an area more than the arena battles as that is what the original game was itself. To differentiate I thought the traveling should take priority.

This level was far too large in scope for this project and was quickly chopped down and simplified.


Simpler island concepts

This image shows the concepts for the island as 2 arena battles joined by a section moving through the island.

Level mock-up created in Maya for Mutiny version 1. Passed to Art Team to create game assets. This was the final concept for the layout of the island. Instead of traveling between arenas the journey would take the players through the environment to the arena boss battle.

Shows placement of barricade and snowball hill leading to boss arena and fortress.

It was this point we had to reconsider the scope of the project. Time was ticking on without much progress on the art or code side. After a presentation with the client we had to scale back the project severely.





The soundtrack for the project was outsourced to William McCarter. After a brief description of the game he produced a sample track of how he was going with the music.  It did defiantly sound like pirate music but it sounded like pirates on a tropical beach. I showed him some concept art of level and the enemy pirates and supplied him with links to tracks on You Tube that gave a feel for what the project needed.


Greensleves. Right kind of tone. But needs to be jauntier so as not depressing.

Greensleves (video file) available from (3 Feb 2015)


Antonin Dvoraks ‘New World Symphony’. From about 2:00mins to 4:00mins.

Antonin Dvorak-New World Symphony (full). (video file) Available from (3 Feb 2015)



Mutiny! Islands version2


In order to continue with the project and have a finished product in the timescale we were asked to re pitch concepts of simplified versions. I drew up 3 proposals based on the feedback received and these were sent to the client for final decision.




The version 2 proposals


In all suggestions various features have been cut. Player interaction with boxes. Secret areas, dynamic fire, power weapons.


Suggestion 1

Scenario: Arena battle with Boss.


Features:             Fire:      Primary use is Boss ‘Area of Effect’ attack.

                                             Player held torches used as weapons.

                                             Camp fires. Spawn Points for torches.


Team Requirements

Level clutter, Fort finished and implemented. Boss character Model, textured and animated and implemented. Player movement and combat refined. Enemy movement and combat refined. Cannon spawn mechanic refined. Fire mechanic refined. Play tested for balance and fun factor.



Players spawn in last area of the existing map, the fort arena section with basic weapon.

Players can retrieve flame torches from campfires to use as weapons. Campfire only spawn 2 torches then is inactive, Torch breaks after 10 uses.

Enemy pirates will spawn in waves from ‘spawn closets’ around the outside of the arena.

Five waves in total, each triggered when the last enemy of previous wave is defeated.


Wave 1: Basic Melee enemy, 5 enemies per player (PP), spawning 1 PP in 3 second intervals

Wave 2: Melee and Ranged enemy, 5 enemies PP spawning 1 PP in 3 second intervals

Wave 3: Basic Melee enemy with faster movement speed, 10 PP spawning 1 PP in 2 sec intervals.

Wave 4: Melee and ranged enemy, hits harder, more health, 5 PP spawning 1 PP 3 second intervals.

Wave 5: Basic melee enemy, 15 PP spawning 1PP every second.

Boss Wave: Boss emerges from fort to attack, supported by basic melee and ranged enemies.


Players trigger end of level by entering Fort once all enemies are defeated. Entering fort will trigger results screen.


Boss: Female Boss Character                                                                  

Moves: Dash Attack, swinging shark.

 Area of Effect Attack, kneels and shoots into ground fire spreads in rings.

Existing: Rig, Basic animations

Required: Model, texturing and special attack animations.




-        Boss AI

-        Refined Enemy AI

-        Lighting

-        Animation Integration

-        Audio Integration

-        Pause and Options screen

-        Drop-in multiplayer

-        Particle emitter

-        Torch/fire interaction

-        Weapons that do different damage/sets enemies on fire

-        Enemy on fire

-        Ragdolling


-        Minor player/enemy animation tweaks

-        Arena modelling + texturing

-        Clutter modelling + texturing

-        Fortress modelling + texturing

-        Boss model sheets

-        Boss modelling

-        Boss texture

-        Boss rigging and skinning (simple, just changing the player rig slightly)

-        Torches

-        Spawn closet w. animation

-        Camp fire

-        Weapon textures

-        UI: end stats screen

-        UI: options screen

-        Fire particles

-        UI: Boss Health


-        Fire sounds

-        Boss yelling/grunts

-        Dash forward with shark sound

-        Shoots ground sound

-        Victory music





Suggestion 2

Scenario: fight through level and boss battle.


Features:             Fire:      Primary use is Boss ‘Area of Effect’ attack.

                                             Player held torches used as weapons.

                                             Camp fires. Spawn Points for torches.

                       Snowballs:  Environmental hazard

                                              Players ascend hill avoiding snowballs rolling downhill

            Repair mechanic: fixes bridge to allow alpaca to cross.

Team Requirements

Level clutter, Fort finished and implemented. Alpaca, textured animated and implemented. Player movement and combat refined. Enemy movement and combat refined. Cannon spawn mechanic refined. Fire mechanic refined. Snowballs refined. Play tested for balance and fun factor.




Players spawn at beginning of map with basic weapon.

Players meet alpaca dialog box asks alpaca question. Alpaca responds with silence. Alpaca must be guided through level.

Players can retrieve flame torches from campfires to use as weapons. Campfire only spawn 2 torches then is inactive, Torch breaks after 10 uses.

Enemy pirates will spawn in waves from ‘spawn closets’ along the path.

Players ascend hill avoiding snowballs

Final Battle Five waves in total, each triggered when the last enemy of previous wave is defeated.

Final boss is revealed as the Alpaca through a dialogue box. Alpaca grows in size and enemies spawn from chests.



Wave 1: Basic Melee enemy, 5 enemies per player (PP), spawning 1 PP in 3 second intervals

Wave 2: Melee and Ranged enemy, 5 enemies PP spawning 1 PP in 3 second intervals

Wave 3: Basic Melee enemy with faster movement speed, 10 PP spawning 1 PP in 2 sec intervals.

Wave 4: Melee and ranged enemy, hits harder, more health, 5 PP spawning 1 PP 3 second intervals.

Wave 5: Basic melee enemy, 15 PP spawning 1PP every second.

Boss Wave: When last enemy is defeated dialogue box appears on screen. The Alpaca reveals as boss of island. Players have fell into trap and will be enslaved to its crew.


Players trigger end of level by entering Fort once all enemies are defeated. Entering fort will trigger results screen.


Boss: Alpaca Boss

Moves: Dash Attack, Runs at players dealing damage and knocking them over.

               Area of Effect Attack, rears up and stamps front feet. Fire spreads out in rings.

Existing: Rig, model.

Required: UV, Texture, Basic animations, special attack animations.





-        Camera zooming

-        Refined Alpaca AI

-        Boss AI

-        Money in alpaca chest

-        Refined Enemy AI

-        Lighting

-        Animation Integration

-        Audio Integration

-        Pause and Options screen

-        Drop-in multiplayer

-        Particle emitter

-        Torch/fire interaction

-        Weapons that do different damage/sets enemies on fire

-        Enemy on fire

-        Ragdolling

-        Bridge repair function

-        Snowballs (close to done)



-        Minor animation tweaks character/enemy

-        Weapon textures

-        Alpaca rig finished + skinning

-        Alpaca texturing nice + evil

-        Alpaca animations (walking, running, rearing)

-        Level Model finished

-        Fortress Model finished

-        Texturing level done

-        Texturing Fortress

-        Level clutter modelling

-        Level clutter texturing

-        Bridge model Broken/Fixed

-        Bridge textured Broken/Fixed

-        Spawn closets w. animations

-        Campfire

-        Torches

-        Alpaca attack stomping  +  dashing

-        Fire particles

-        UI: Options and audio screen

-        UI: Victory screen

-        UI: Alpaca talking nice + Evil

-        Snowballs textured



-        Fire sounds

-        Victory music

-        Evil alpaca noises

-        Footsteps alpaca dashing

-        Alpaca stomp




Suggestion 3

Scenario: fight through level.


Features:             Fire:      Player held torches used as weapons.

                                             Camp fires. Spawn Points for torches.


Team Requirements

Level clutter finished and implemented. Alpaca, textured animated and implemented. Player movement and combat refined. Enemy movement and combat refined. Cannon spawn mechanic refined. Fire mechanic refined. Play tested for balance and fun factor.






Players spawn at beginning of map with basic weapon.

Players meet Alpaca. Alpaca must be guided through level.

Players can retrieve flame torches from campfires to use as weapons. Campfire only spawn 2 torches then is inactive, Torch breaks after 10 uses.

Enemy pirates will spawn in waves from ‘spawn closets’ along the path.

Level ends when players enter fort at end of path. Will trigger results screen.




-        Camera zooming

-        Refined Alpaca AI

-        Money in alpaca chest

-        Refined Enemy AI

-        Lighting

-        Animation Integration

-        Audio Integration

-        Pause and Options screen

-        Drop-in multiplayer

-        Particle emitter

-        Torch/fire interaction

-        Weapons that do different damage/sets enemies on fire

-        Enemy on fire

-        Ragdolling

-        Bridge repair function

-        Snowballs (close to done)



-        Minor animation tweaks character/enemy

-        Weapon textures

-        Alpaca rig finished + skinning

-        Alpaca texturing nice

-        Alpaca animations (walking)

-        Level Model finished

-        Fortress Model finished

-        Texturing level done

-        Texturing Fortress

-        Level clutter modelling

-        Level clutter texturing

-        Bridge model Broken/Fixed

-        Bridge textured Broken/Fixed

-        Spawn closets w. animations

-        Campfire

-        Torches

-        Fire particles

-        UI: Options and audio screen

-        UI: Victory screen

-        Snowballs textured



-        Fire sounds

-        Victory music



Client Feedback on Proposals

The client responded to our proposals quiet positively as said that the final choice was ours to make. The team decided to go cut further aspects.

Version 2 would use the alpaca as a ‘white rabbit’ that the players are following through the island to get the treasure it carries. The boss character would still be used but the players use of fire would be cut along with the level clutter.


Final concept for Version 2



The Crew will spawn on the beach of the island catching sight of an Alpaca with treasure chests strapped to it. The crew's mission from then is to chase the alpaca through the island to claim its booty.

The pirates of the island will assault the crew as they adventure on. Chasing the treasure through a small settlement there fighting off enemy pirates.

The last stretch in the capture of the alpaca will be a perilous climb up a steep hill made even more perilous as giant snowballs barrel down the hill towards them.

At the top of the hill is the main island settlement, the pirates of the island will make a last stand to protect their Alpaca. If the crew successfully defeats the pirates they will have to the hammer wielding, cannon fisted Pirate Queen Broomhilda.





Combat: Fun combat and lots of enemies to fight

                              Fire:       Primary use is Boss ‘Area of Effect’ attack.

                              Snowballs:  Environmental hazard

                                                            Players ascend hill avoiding snowballs rolling downhill

                              Alpaca: Crew chase the alpaca across the island to get its gold


Team Requirements

Alpaca, textured animated and implemented. Player movement and combat refined. Enemy movement and combat refined. Fire mechanic refined. Snowballs refined. Play tested for balance and fun factor.



Players spawn at beginning of map with basic weapon.

Players see the alpaca and alpaca runs away, players follow.

Enemy pirates will spawn in waves from ‘spawn closets’ along the path.

Players ascend hill avoiding snowballs.

Final battle is against Broomhilde the Pirate Queen and spawning enemy pirates


Boss: Pirate Queen Broomhilde

Moves: Basic Melee attack with hammer

               Area of Effect Attack, Fire spreads out in rings.

Existing: Rig, model.

Required: UV, Texture, Basic animations, special attack animations.





-        Camera zooming

-        Refined Alpaca AI

-        Boss AI

-        Refined Enemy AI

-        Lighting

-        Animation Integration

-        Audio Integration

-        Pause and Options screen

-        Particle emitter

-        Fire interaction

-        Rag dolling

-        Snowballs (close to done)



-        Minor animation tweaks character/enemy

-        Weapon textures

-        Alpaca rig finished + skinning

-        Alpaca texturing

-        Alpaca animations

-        Level Model finished

-        Texturing level done

-        Spawn closets

-        Fire particles

-        UI: Options and audio screen

-        UI: Victory screen

-        Snowballs textured



-        Fire sounds

-        Victory music




Mutiny Islands V2 Map


The map stayed pretty much the same for Mutiny version 2 but the game had to be streamlined.  A lot of features had to be dropped, Player use of fire, barricades, ice blocks weapon pickups and the broken bridge repair concept were cut. The alpaca was repurposed as a White Rabbit instead of a pack animal and game mechanics like the mutiny bar were dropped.





Sketched and passed to Art team to create assets.

Swords for Player and NPC’s



 Players and NPC’s


Power Weapon for Players (Mutiny v1)

Boss Weapon (Mutiny v2)


Helping the Art Team

From the start of the project I had let the art team know that I have experience in 3D asset production but my texturing was not the best. I was willing to help if needed.

Tone asked if I could create some assets for use in the game. Spawn Huts, boxes and barrels etc…

In the end these assets were never used as the concept of level clutter was cut in Mutiny V2



Drift wood, boxes and barrel (with lower poly variant)

Spawn closet based on classic outhouse with door.


Larger variant of spawn closet with door

Barricade mock up and icicle variants

Level Arrangement and Spawn Placement

With the change in project scope after the second client presentation a lot of the level clutter we had planned was cut. The only assets we are left with to make the island look interesting is the rocks and the spawn cabins.

To give the island more personality and features to break up the ground texture of the island I have duplicated and rearranged the few rock formations that existed. Rocks have also been placed in the water to give the coast line a more natural look.  These suggestions were never applied.



Screen shot showing the beach area where the player and alpaca spawn.

Suggested clutter

First settlement Area and Spawn Points

Suggested placements

Second Settlement Area


Camera angle mock up showing view angle and scope. Barrel shape object represents player.




 Tests for bugs and issues were done throughout development, every build was played with and broken. The results would be raised with the code team and addressed for the next build.

I had compiled forms for bug testing and tracking but these were never used as we were fixing as we went.



Bug Fix

Mutiny! BUG DOCUMENT Proposal



















Proposed headings for the bug tracking spreadsheet during testing (never used)


Issue no.






Proposed fix

Fixed date




Further issues?





As with the bug fixing, playtesting mostly happened within the team with every iteration. With the redirection of the project and the schedule we had, the playtesting became led of a priority as the build had bigger issues. Development of the boss ate up the time put aside for proper play testing.

At this point I convinced friends and family to play the game and let me know what they thought. Defiantly not an ideal resolution but I think it did help a bit to get some new eyes on the game.

This is the general feedback received.



Angle needs to be higher, cannot really see what is going on during a fight.

 Will help for multiplayer and player movement. Will suggest camera moved to near 45 degree angle. Raised with code team.

 Status: Fixed



Slower roll speed?

Too fast to avoid them. Suggest they are slowed a bit.

Raised with code team.

Status: Fixed.


Snowball get too big.

If a snowball gets stuck it grows to huge proportions. Need to limit max size.

Raised with code team.

Status:  Fixed



Jump seems slow and delayed.

Known Problem. The character takes two steps at the beginning of the animation. Jump has no use in game, can be removed.

 Have raised with code team and art team.

Status: Still an issue



Baddies just keep running at player, even when right up against them.

Not sure what causes this.

Raised with code team

Status: Fixed


Can’t see if I’m hitting baddie or being hit.

This is partly animation partly code. There is no visual hit reaction and the animation is not obvious enough at the distance the camera is at. Also ties with previous problem.

Raised with code team. Asked them to reduce enemy health for 1 hit kill.

Status: Improved.




Baddies just keep running at player, even when right up against them.

Not sure what causes this.

Raised with code team

Status: Fixed







Now the final prototype is finished looking at the game as an experience it is slightly lacking. The centre piece of the game was to be the combat, getting the combat right would find the fun factor. I think what we have ended up with has potential but I do not think it is there yet. A number of factors feed into this. The animations of players and enemies could have done with a second pass to refine things and iron out problems that we found while playtesting.

At the scale of the camera and the amount of people on screen, moves need to be big and obvious. While the animations we have are pretty good they do not really work on the scale we have. A second pass of the combat animations to exaggerate moves would help players see what is happening in the melee. Similarly, there is no hit reaction on the characters so the player has a tendency to get swarmed not knowing what is going on. Having a knockback animation would lend a lot more dynamism to the fight and again help the player keep track of what is going on.

 If we had developed more complex AI for the enemies we could have set it up so that if there were multiple enemies on screen only 2 would actively attack the player. The rest would stay just out of reach and wait their turn to fight. This would stop the players being so swarmed and stop the enemies from bunching up. I have no idea how complicated that would be on the code level but if it was done I think it would have greatly improved the combat experience.

Another important aspect of the game is the concept of travel or exploration. To differentiate it from the base game where it all takes place aboard a ship, the idea of traveling through an environment was important. The map was designed with features along the path to help with this idea of discovery. Starting off on a sandy beach area player’s move through an enemy pirate settlement, across a bridge with a frozen waterfall, past a second settlement, up a treacherous hill and into the final arena to face the boss. While it sounds more interesting in writing, I think the beach, settlement hill and arena work to varying degrees. The biggest problem I think that the game has in this area is level clutter. Level clutter exists to add depth to an environment and give it character. A room with a window is just a room with a window until there is something in it to tell you what it is used for, then it becomes something. It could be a bedroom it could be a living room it could be a playroom. Without signifiers the beach looks barren, there is not much to tell you it’s a beach. Moving on to the settlement area it has two shacks. A small settlement would have more signs of life like a wood pile or campfire for cooking, something to signify people stay there. In the waterfall area because the waterfall looks just like the ice wall surrounding it, it does not stand out as a landmark. If the bridge was an actual bridge instead of an ice slab again it would mark it as a feature unfortunately as it stands it is a piece of the same ground just shaped differently.

The snowball hill I think is the most effective as a landmark. The change from the players running left to right to running away from the camera is really effective. This alone even without the level clutter or stand out landmark I discussed before gives the idea of exploration, of finding something new.

One aspect I was disappointed about losing in the cut was the Fortress. I think both gameplay wise and aesthetically changing the fortress into the line of non-descript shacks took away from what could have been an impressive sight and goal for the players. If you were to enter that area and see a large fortress guarded by the boss you would want to defeat her to claim it for yourself.  On the game play side having a fortress door gives the Boss something to protect, a centre for the battle and something for the players to see mentally as a goal.



Vs the Brief

Looking back over the Brief now that the project has finished, I think Mutiny: Islands meets the brief requirements fairly well. Even with the scaled down scope of the project late into development. I believe all the key requests are accounted for.

One of the main requirements was to include fire in a meaningful way.  We had some grand concepts for the fire initially but we decided to scale it right back and have it as the boss’s special attack. In the context of the game this is something that would take the players by surprise as it had never been seen until that point. It gives a new dimension and danger to the boss fights itself. The fire not only doing damage to the player effected but leaving a trail of fire behind the players adds some nice visual effects and some comedic moments to the game.

Ideas for pirates and the island setting were other things requested in the brief. The concept of the ice covered island was to contrast with the bright tropical type setting that exists in the original game. While not visually the most exiting setting for an island that pirates were to invade, the original idea was partly to get some nice effects with player held torches and campfires. Unfortunately the torches and campfire were dropped late in development but the ice and magic island setting was received well by the client who went on to say; after the last presentation’ they were now looking into that themselves.  

The brief asked for a distinct end point which I believe we have in the end level boss fight. Unfortunately something that undermines that is the fact we do not have an end game screen when the boss id killed. It was designed to show time taken, gold collected, gold banked and leader board but again was cut in order to concentrate on the game itself. I think although the game is very playable not having an end game screen means that the game loses a lot of replay ability.



Feedback from Hidden Armada was on the whole pretty positive. There was a bit of a concern on how much we were wanting to put in the game. Something that would rear its ugly head later on. But at the time we were confident and exited to get to work on it. On the design side, I was trying to work fire into a puzzle mechanic and when I mentioned this there was a bit of concern as doing puzzles is hard, doing puzzle well is even harder. I took this aboard and started working on other simpler things to do with the fire mechanic.

The lowest point in the project for myself and probably the rest of the team was after our second presentation to the client. I think everyone kind of knew that a lot of time had been lost and the project was nowhere near where it needed to be. In retrospect Owen as producer and myself as designer, should have had the gumption to bring it to a head and scale back the project. Unfortunately it took the client to point out the obvious, an embarrassment I never want to repeat.

 Our last Presentation to Hidden Armada again was very positive. They were happy to see how far we had come from the disaster of the last time. I think on the whole the wakeup call we received in the last presentation revived us. I think we were kind of getting lost in the project. I am grateful that it happened like that and they were so honest about the state of the project I would hate to think the state we would be in now.



If the team was to go forward and develop this project further I would like to see some refinements and some changes. I would insist on creating prototypes for anything we might want to include.

As stated before there is some more avenues with the AI I would like to attempt. The idea of adding to the AI to stop enemies bunching up or swarming the player. I would also like to see another class of AI. In the early stages we talked about an enemy that would use ranged magic attacks.  I would like to see this implemented as I believe it would help mix up and give some variation to the combat.

Weapon pick ups

On the game play side I would like to explore further and implement some of the features that were dropped like weapon pickups and power weapons. I would like to try more prototypes to further explore the potential of the fire mechanic or the repair mechanic. I think if used correctly, the repair mechanic with the other players protecting, would bring a more cooperative experience to the game on top of the combat.

My biggest disappointment was the repurposing of the alpaca. The banking mechanic in the main game could have been ignored but I think we found an elegant way combine two things Hidden Armada had in the base game. Animals and the bank mechanic. My main goal when designing for this game at the start was to bring more co-operative elements and the alpaca would have helped toward that. If we were to carry on with this project, I think this is the first thing I would want done.





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