3D Horror Scene

 Modeling Project

3D Horror Scene

This project is to create a 3D scene and must include...

A character
An Environment
A vehicle

Hotel Horror

Mood boards

This will for the basis of the horror of the scene


The setting will be a corridor


The asthetic of the horror of the scene

More environments and lighting

Setting the mood


Character development

The concept for this character draws from phobias. It can resemble a spider in the way it moves. In also plays on the fear of people, strangers, groups the abnormal and body horror.

3D Development


 The central mass of the character is larger than I wanted to make it. It is more spider than a group of people conspiring


The environment for this project is to be modular. I have added corners to the corridor to give the environment more character and angles.

Furniture and Clutter


As part of project brief a vehicle had to be included. Due to the scene being inside a building, I decided the vehicle would be a segway.


A torch effect light source

Final Renders

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